Saturday, March 14, 2015

Frostfire - Kanin Chronicles #1

Frostfire is a prime example of why I do not like to read series as they are being released, I seriously do not want to wait until the release of Ice Kissed to find out what happens next.

Bryn is a very complex character, striving to overcome her blood from two different races Bryn constantly strives to prove herself good enough in the eyes of others. In some ways that is Bryn's biggest weakness and I seriously hope Byrn grows enough to seek acceptance from herself. Since Bryn is insecure she hides behind her ability to fight and track, while good at her job Bryn lets it consume her life and ends up shoving everyone away from her.

While it is hard to get a feel for Konstantin since the story is told from Byrn's point of view I enjoyed the way Konstantin was portrayed. I don't want to give anything away but Konstantin's interaction with Bryn was refreshing and left me wanting more. 

Ridley, Bryn's boss, was my favorite character. Ridley's calm way of handling Bryn when she was having a hot headed moment just felt right. Never did their interactions seemed forced and it is one of the best written stories with a girl having a crush on their boss I have ever seen. 

Fast paced, smooth writing, fun characters, and a mystery that left me wondering all made Frostfire one of the best books I have read this year. The release of Ice Kissed cannot come soon enough.  

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