Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Gaint's House

I got The Giant's House out of a free little library and high hopes for it. Sadly I was disappointed. I really fail to see how this can be classified as a romance.

Despite the story being about James and the fact he does not stop growing nothing is told from James point of view. The whole story is told from the local librarians point of  view who has an odd take on how James faces the world. It is just so hard to write about a book that did not feel like it was a full story more like random thoughts from Peggy and later on how her odd friendship with James gave her purpose.

Honestly if I had something else to have read at the time I would have read it.

Spook's Dark Assassin

The Spook's Dark Assassin is the final book in the Starblade Chronicles. I sort of regret reading the trilogy since it did not have the magic The Last Apprentice had.

Tom is doing his best to keep fighting the advancing threat of Kobalos who want to destroy all human males and enslave all human females. The story jumps around a lot between Tom, Alice, and Grimaklin. I got pretty bored fairly quickly since the story would get good and jump to someone else it left me frustrated and wanting answers for what was going on. The ending was a bit odd and did not really fit the story well. I just overall was not impressed with the trilogy beyond A New Darkness. I am not sure if I will read anymore of Delaney's work or not. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Death By Digeridoo

I received a copy of Death by Didgeridoo from Mrs. Venkataraman in exchange for an honest review.

Death by Didgeridoo is a delightful debut cozy mystery and I instantly fell in love with Jamie. Despite having lost her mother recently Jamie was not willing to sit down and forget to live, instead surrounding herself with her sister and nephew has helped her overcome her grief. However all that changes when Adam, Jamie's nephew, is accused of murder. One of my absolute favorite things about Jamie is that she is an attorney so it makes sense for her to get involved in murder investigations. I do hope to get to see more of Jamie's personalty and development as the series continues.

While I did see a couple typos and grammar issues it did not deter from the interest I had in the story. The plot line was clear and the mystery made sense. Nothing went in circles which is a problem I often encounter with cozy mysteries. Nor where any of the characters cookie cutter in any way, each held their own and were unique to the story. I also love the title it is fun and has a nice ring to it.