Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Qualify was a recent Free Friday by Nook book and it has been ages since I read an young adult book so I figured I would give it a try.

Gwen knows she is nothing special just an average dork trying to make it through high school with the least amount of embarrassing moments for her but that all changes when news hits that the earth is going to be destroyed by an steroid. However salvation lies in aliens who once lived on earth and offers a small hope to teens. Pass the tests and the aliens will take you to their home planet and safety. 

A double edge sword, Gwen can be saved but what if her siblings do not pass the coemption and no saving her parents. Still she must try. Soon Gwen is forcing not only her mind but her body to work hard to pass the Atlantis tests as she hopes to qualify for saving. 

It was easy to read large chunks of the story at once. I would easily get through a hundred pages or so at a time. The writing is smooth and flows well. Since Gwen is the main character you do not get a feel for most of the other characters but their dominate personality traits do show through. My biggest complaint is that Atlantis culture did not really go into much detail when she was in the class. I wanted more on how the aliens live every day not about how to bow to people above your station. Despite that I am eager to continue on with the story and I did buy the second book, Compete, I am hoping it will not suffer what I call second book syndrome. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

All the Dangerous Things


I saw a Facebook reel that recommended some thriller books and I happened to like one they had listed so I figured I would give All the Dangerous Things a try. 

Isabelle is a sleep deprived mother who looses it all when her son disappears from his crib in the middle of the night. Unable to trust anyone around her Isabelle begins a mission to bring her son home and find out the truth even if it is not the truth she wants to learn. 

The first major issue I had with the story was the fluff, so much filler, I skipped whole paragraphs and pages as reading and still got the whole story. Way too many twisted and confusing thoughts Isabelle was having the did not move the plot forward at all. Really it makes no sense to me that authors feel like books have to be a certain number of pages when it does not add to the story, I am fine with books 150 to 200 pages. The next issue I had was I did not really like Isabelle or even feel sorry for her she just went on and on about how horrible her life was and most of it was her fault from the horrible choices she made. Beyond that the mystery was solid with a clear conclusion.