Friday, December 18, 2020

Three Days Missing


I got woken up one night around three am and could not go back to sleep I saw Three Days Missing on the first page of the library ebooks so I randomly checked it out hoping it would lure me back to sleep.

Ethan is super excited to go camping with his school and hopes that it will finally help him fit in. All those hopes are dashed when Kat (Ethan's mother) gets a rude awakening to a plain clothes detective telling her that her son has gone missing while on the camping trip. 

Shortly after Ethan goes missing Stephanie, the mayor's wife, gets a call that her son has been kidnapped. Terrified Stephanie quickly rushes to the campsite only to realize it was Kat's son who was taken and not hers.

In a way two stories were woven together but neither story felt substantial enough to hold it's own alone. I did read the first half of the story quickly but I had to drag myself through the second half where things really started to slow down. Overall a good concept but badly executed. I had problems with some of the events that occurred and the write contradicted herself at times to make time lines fit. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Woman in Cabin 10


I had heard about The Woman in Cabin 10 so when I saw it in the local free library I grabbed it. 

Right away the story starts out with a bang and I was instantly hooked. I think that is why it was disappointing when the story turned and got painfully every day boring. Nothing really happened but then again little tidbits of things that could be wrong would pop up and keep me reading. It was the last fifty pages or so that the story really picked up the pace again to the point I could not put the book down. 

The writing was smooth and well edited. Character development did not really happen but the story took place over a small amount of time, right around two weeks so I would not expect people to change that much. I have been really into faster paced stories lately and since I felt the middle was slow I do not see myself seeking out more books by Ruth Ware.

Monday, December 7, 2020



I happened to see Thanksgiving while browsing random ebooks on the library website. Since I like Janet Evanovich and it was a few days before Thanksgiving I checked it out. 

Megan was a pretty flat character, she returns a rabbit to the new dr in town and instantly falls for his good looks. It is not long after she decides he is cute that she is goes more towards falling in love with him. Patrick is a new dr in town and just wants to get his practice set up but all that changes for him when a cute red head returns his escape artist rabbit.  

I could tell this was early work by Mrs. Evanovich, the character development needed some work and parts of the story did not flow smoothly. However despite that it had good bones and I did laugh out loud a few times during the story more so for the last couple of chapters. It also focused a lot on the intimate part of life and I felt like Mrs. Evanovich was not sure how to write a love story without physical needs taking over which was a bit of a let down.