Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I have been wanting to try a merperson story for months so when I spotted Wrecked on the discount shelf I did not hesitate to buy it.

Miranda blames herself for the death of her friends in a boating accident. Despite not having been drinking she was driving the boat and somehow managed to escape the water despite plantlife tangling in her leg. Lost in her own sorry Miranda goes around in a drugged trance trying to cope with all the changes in her life.

Christian has always been drawn to the human world and despite the pains from surfacing Christian watches humans. Seeing a boating accident Christian is unable to help himself and saves a girl who passes out in his arms. 

Sadly I am not even sure how to describe the plot line, writing, or character development for Wrecked. The story was long, boring, and full of filler. Almost none of it was believable, friends turning against Miranda because she lived through the boating accident seemed odd and poorly done. I saw no changes in Miranda at all and this was a huge disappointment. The story was so boring and poorly written I just skimmed the last fifty pages or so. Thankfully it is a standalone novel so I was not left wondering anything or trying to decide if I would struggle through the second book.

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