Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Inquisition


The Inquisition is the second book in the Summoner series. 

Once again Fletcher is in trouble, thrown into prison for the attempted murder of Dedric, a bully from the town Fletcher grew up in. To Flecher's horror Dedric is now a lord and willing to use every single trick he knows to get Fletcher convicted so he can throw him back in his prison for life. The description gives it away that Fletcher is not throw back in prison but chosen to lead a dangerous mission behind enemy lines along with his friends. 

In some ways this felt like two stories thrown together. I read the part about the Inquisition then stopped. It felt like it was completed despite Taran Matharu's best attempt to tie the next three fourths of the story to the first. Maybe a novella on the trial would have been a better option. Since this is more of a book geared towards middle school students the action never stopped. It just kept going keeping the reader interested. I read the book in two sittings. 

Despite it feeling like two books mashed into one I enjoyed the story. Unlike more series I read The Inquisition did not suffer from the dreaded second book syndrome. Oddly enough I enjoyed The Inquisition more then The Novice. It is rare I like a second book more then a first. 

I am eager to see where else Fletcher's adventures take him and the new demons that Taran Matharu brings to life with his vivid story telling. 

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