Friday, July 31, 2020

The 19th Wife

Since I am a huge history buff I am always interested in reading about historical figures especially women and I do not always like the heavy textbook format. The 19th Wife is two main stories in one with lots of smaller side stories. I really wanted to love the story but with so much going on it got super confusing at times and jumped around so much I got lost in parts.

The historical story is about Ann Eliza Young, the woman who divorced the prophet and managed to bring about laws outlaws polygamy. 

The story taking place in modern day is about a 19th wife accused of killing her husband and her exiled son coming back to the town to try to help prove his mother is innocent. 

Everything moved along at a snails pace and while it was not bad it was not really exciting either. I just really think the writing style of jumping around so much turned me off from the story. Despite that I did learn a lot about Ann Eliza and the strides she made to better the world according to her points of view. It would have taken a great amount of courage to stand against the church as a divorced woman who two young children to support. 

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