Monday, August 17, 2020

The Epidemic


I really wish I had read The Remedy and The Epidemic before The Program and The Treatment. The time line was majorly messed up and this really ruined my enjoyment of the series. It just makes sense to myself to explain how the the clusters of suicide started then go into the treatment for the problem. 

Quinn's whole life has fallen apart as she tries to figure out who she is and what is going on around her. Scared, alone, unsure who to trust, and determined to find out who she is Quinn embarks on a journey with fellow closers to learn about who they all are and how bad things actually are for the teens in Oregon. 

All the teens in the story seemed really real and like they were struggling with themselves and what they did for a living. They make mistakes, react with emotion, and continue to lean on old relationships despite knowing they are toxic. 

If I did not have so many books I was wanting read I would re-read The Program and The Treatment now that I have the timeline down a bit better. However that will have to wait until I get some other books finished. 

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