The Only One Left was a random find when I could not sleep and was browsing the e-library for a book. Lucky for me I did not realize I had previously read work by Mr. Sager and did not enjoy it.
Kit while seeming to be a meek and mild in home care aid is really a character with layers. The more I read the more complex I realized Kit was. At first she comes off as a nosy woman who is desperate for any job in the health care field that she can get after a horrible accident.
Despite being unable to talk you get a feel for Lenora as she types out her story on an old typewriter. Plagued with polio and several strokes Lenora is silent but manages to comminute quickly with taps and her eyes which show she has a lot to say.
Even though I did not care for other work by Mr. Sager I did enjoy The Only One Left to consider other work by Mr. Sager. The story moved along at a brisk pace never leaving me bored with what was going on. The mysteries were many and several twists occurred. I figured out of some of the mysteries but not all of them. The ending also tied up every character's fate which I appreciate.