Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Wager


I had high hopes for The Wager A tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder The Wager A tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder. I found previous work by Mr. Grann interesting and captivating. 

As always I was captivated by the beginning, chapter one I started to get bored, chapter two picked up, then after that it was hit or miss for me. I can highly appreciate the time, effort, and dedication to research that went into the story. Clearly finding antique ship logs, diaries, and pictures is not easy nor is it for the nondedicated. The story made sense and told completely what happened to all the men as far as history was able to share. The pace of the writing was too slow for my taste and it seemed like a lot of things repeated themselves. Despite this I would consider giving another work by Mr. Grann a chance. 

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