Monday, June 3, 2024

Home is Where the Bodies Are


I had a 21 hour car ride and knew I would need something to entertain myself so checked out Home is Where the Bodies AreHome is Where the Bodies Are to read during the ride. Due to my situation I was able to read the story in one sitting. 

Beth resents her siblings like crazy, they ignored their dying mother and showed up in time to see Beth fall apart right after her mother had passed. Each child has their own demons, Beth knew she was never good enough for her parents having stayed in a small town working at the factory her father had worked at. Nicole loves drugs more then anything and no one was interested in helping her except Beth. Michael is the rich child who escaped to California and forget all his family. With the three siblings thrown together they have to learn to face the past to learn what finally happened to their father who walked out on them years ago. 

This was not my favorite Jeneva Rose book but it did keep my attention for a whole reading. I did not figure out everything until key parts were revealed. I liked the characters and the growth that was shown with them while still showing them having serious PTSD from various things that occurred in their lives. 

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