Monday, May 27, 2024



I got  Endangered out of a local free library. I knew I had a plane ride so I took Endangered to read while waiting to board and flying. I had no clue it was a series. 

Summer is a fun character, she is at home in the mountains watching wildlife but also loves to have the comforts of a shower and a good meal. Not liking her name much she goes by Sam and is thrilled to be on assignment to update how the cougars released are doing. Finding two of the three Sam quickly takes her pictures and heads back down the mountain. It is there she finds a toddler who has a toy truck. Seeing no adults she asks him where his mom is, at that point Sam notices a figure down the path waving at her. Assuming it is the toddlers father she lets the child run down to him just as the last of the daylight fades away into the night. This is a mistake since the toddler goes missing and the cougars Sam worked so hard to get back into the wild are blamed. Determined to find the boy and the truth Sam soon encounters more then she was prepared for as she searches for the young boy. 

I really liked Sam she was spunky but believable. Everything she did was believable and made sense for someone trained to be in the wilderness. Despite being a mystery it had funny moments and tender moments. This was my first wilderness mystery read and I would give the genre another try. Despite being a series the story ended with no questions for me and everything was wrapped up nicely. 

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