Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Mystery Guest


The Mystery Guest is the second book in the Molly the Maid series. While I enjoyed The Maid enough to continue on the series I am dubbing The Mystery Guest with second book syndrome. I had to force myself to keep reading at times. 

Molly is different and thinks different then the average person, I love how consistent her character is all the time. In no way at all is Molly a cookie cutter character and it was nice seeing an in-depth look at her childhood and how she even struggled to relate to children. 

I was not overly thrilled with the story line, it did not hold my attention and nothing was a shock for me. I expected almost everything that happened. I kept hoping for a big revelation I missed in some way. If the library has The Mistletoe Mystery I would consider trying it. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Ballad of Never After


The Ballard of Never After is the second book in the Once Upon A Broken Heart trilogy. 

I love Evangeline, everything from her name to her personality. She is such a dynamic and well rounded character that I could easily see her with her pink hair walk through the door any moment. Normally love triangles make me cringe but this one is executed perfectly and adds so much to the story. 

Stephanie Garber has a lovely and elegant writing style it is not for everyone but I just adore it. The way Mrs. Garber is able to describe things paints a rich and vivid image in my mind that I thoroughly enjoy. Also I did not deal with second book syndrome while reading The Ballard of Never After. Constantly I was trying to rush through daily life just have a few minutes to read. The other day I stopped at the bookstore and have already started A Curse For True Love

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Chasing Endless Summer


I had no clue that Chasing Endless Summer Chasing Endless Summer was the second book in a series. 

Caroline had no personality just seemed like a shadow of a person who could have personality. It was typical V.C. Andrews style with the family have dark secrets, mental illness, and society frowned upon relationships. I know V.C. Andrews passed away many years ago but I am not sure if it is the same ghost(s) writer or not. The story also did not fit well, part here, part there, and another part over there it had a horrible flow. Not a series I will continue and if I feel a need for a guilty read I will be choosing to re-read some early work from V.C. Andrews. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Home is Where the Bodies Are


I had a 21 hour car ride and knew I would need something to entertain myself so checked out Home is Where the Bodies AreHome is Where the Bodies Are to read during the ride. Due to my situation I was able to read the story in one sitting. 

Beth resents her siblings like crazy, they ignored their dying mother and showed up in time to see Beth fall apart right after her mother had passed. Each child has their own demons, Beth knew she was never good enough for her parents having stayed in a small town working at the factory her father had worked at. Nicole loves drugs more then anything and no one was interested in helping her except Beth. Michael is the rich child who escaped to California and forget all his family. With the three siblings thrown together they have to learn to face the past to learn what finally happened to their father who walked out on them years ago. 

This was not my favorite Jeneva Rose book but it did keep my attention for a whole reading. I did not figure out everything until key parts were revealed. I liked the characters and the growth that was shown with them while still showing them having serious PTSD from various things that occurred in their lives. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Wager


I had high hopes for The Wager A tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder The Wager A tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder. I found previous work by Mr. Grann interesting and captivating. 

As always I was captivated by the beginning, chapter one I started to get bored, chapter two picked up, then after that it was hit or miss for me. I can highly appreciate the time, effort, and dedication to research that went into the story. Clearly finding antique ship logs, diaries, and pictures is not easy nor is it for the nondedicated. The story made sense and told completely what happened to all the men as far as history was able to share. The pace of the writing was too slow for my taste and it seemed like a lot of things repeated themselves. Despite this I would consider giving another work by Mr. Grann a chance.