Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Capturing the Devil


Capturing the Devil is the final book in the Stalking the Jack the Ripper series. I really struggled with the series conclusion. It seemed like love was the focus and less about solving who solving Jack the Ripper was until around the sixty percent mark.

Having hoped they left the horrors of Jack the Ripper behind them Audrey Rose and Thomas look forward to their time in America as they hope to learn more about their studies and each other. Having worked up the courage to finally propose Audrey Rose is thrilled and overjoyed at the thought of spending her life with the man she is in love with. However a lurking shadow will not let Audrey or Thomas forget that a murder is on the loose and no one is safe until he is captured.

Overall the mystery made very little sense to me. That could be because it was a long between reading the books since the library had such a massive waiting list for every volume. However I did not enjoy the series enough to gather them up all to do a re-read. 

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